Saturday, October 20, 2012

Press Release from October 16th

For the story behind Knox Robinson Publishing's first step into publishing for the young adult market, and its decision to select "The Scholar, the Sphinx, and the Shades of Nyx" as its first young adult fantasy title, here is the link to the press release:

Friday, October 19, 2012

Currently Available for Pre-Order!

If you're a ravenous fantasy fanantic, why wait until May to reserve your copy of this new, breath-taking adventure into the wild and wondrous? "The Scholar, the Sphinx and the Shades of Nyx" is now available for pre-order through and in the Knox Robinson Publishing online bookstore!

Amazon in the US:

Amazon in the UK:

Knox Robinson Publishing Bookstore:

Prepare to Pass Through the Curtain...

Cervera, Spain, 1852. David Sandoval is a sixteen-year-old genius on many different subjects, yet he is more content studying than becoming close with family or friends. When he accepts an apprenticeship offer from a French architect, he is convinced that this will be the biggest achievement of his life. While on his travels to Paris, a foolhardy decision on his part gets him abducted by a gypsy caravan, owned by a living Grecian sphinx. The sphinx, seemingly intrigued by the fearless young man, takes him through the Curtain, the gateway between our world and the worlds of the "unseen," where many creatures of myth and legend reside. When David discovers that he has unwittingly proposed to the sphinx - who appears pleased to have him as a potential mate - he attempts to escape back through the Curtain to the human world, only to be sent to Kyoto, Japan, and that is only the beginning of his problems. On his adventure to return home, he learns a dark secret: a Shade, an extension of the shadowy Night Goddess Nyx, is slowly draining the sphinx of her most precious talents. David might be the only human on earth with the knowledge of how to save the sphinx from a lethal blight imposed on her by Nyx, and he must also save his new friends from a ruthless adversary, the Teumessian. Can one normal boy truly undo the inflictions of a goddess, and rescue both the seen and unseen worlds from her dark intentions?

Welcome to the world of "The Scholar, the Sphinx and the Shades of Nyx," the upcoming young adult fantasy title to be released by Knox Robinson Publishing in 2013!

This is the first young adult novel to be published by the London-based publishing company, and it will be available in the US, the UK and Europe next year.

If you'd like to learn more about the novel, you can visit Knox Robinson Publishing's website at, or you can e-mail the author at