Friday, May 24, 2013

The Book is Born! and the Follow Up of the Promotional Launch

You never understand how surreal it all feels until you are holding the actual item in your hands...

So after the slight hiccup of the printer not having the books printed in time for the original release, they played catch-up pretty quickly and are back on track with getting orders shipped out.
Sadly, that meant the book launch scheduled on May 18th wasn't really so much a "book" launch as it was a promotional launch. But it was still a good day--got to see and have dinner with my Aunt Audrey and Uncle Bill, and my cousin's wife Erin and their beautiful daughter Margot (my first time meeting her). My husband's family stopped by to root me on, a few of my fellow Books-a-Million pals dropped in, and even a fellow fantasy writer, Jonathan French (author of "The Exiled Heir," the first book in the Autumn's Fall Saga) and his wife Liza and their handsome little guy paid us a visit. And we passed out quite a few bookmarks and promo guides, so the word was spread.

My hubby David, Me, little Margot, Aunt Audrey and Uncle Bill

Fellow Bibliophiles Heather and Jenn

Jonathan French (here's a link to a review of "The Exiled Heir":

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Happy Release Day!

Today's the day! Happy Birthday to "The Scholar, the Sphinx, and the Shades of Nyx"!

So make that an excuse to go out and celebrate today. Tell your friends while you're eating your slice of cake, drinking your wine and wearing a cone-shaped party hat, "Hey, it's the Scholar and the Sphinx's birthday! Didn't you know?"

Besides, who doesn't love cake? Oh, and give yourself a present and buy the book! Or have a family member or friend buy it for you. It's not a birthday without presents, after all!

As they say at the Renaissance Fair (which I hope to get to to celebrate my 5th wedding anniversary this month): Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!