Thursday, December 19, 2013

Thinking about the Holidays

Nothing book related about this post, folks...

Just been doing some thinking lately. It is the holiday season and all, which tends to make some people like me start reflecting more about the path I've taken, the people who have come and gone in my life, what the future will bring...

It's a time to remember to be grateful. I know, Thanksgiving was for that, right? But I try to look past the Black Fridays, the commercialism, the over-indulgences, and remember that there are good people out there giving back to those who need it. It's so nice to hear on the radio during my morning commute about people who normally cannot afford a Christmas to be surprised with gifts and food from friends and charities. I'm not always the best about remembering to go the extra mile and give a little more, but when I do, I can better appreciate all the little simplicities of my life which, to many others, aren't so simple but truly gifts.

It's a time to remember those we keep in our hearts--those we will spend the holidays with, and those we cannot. It's easy to take things like this for granted. Until I moved to Georgia, I had spent nearly every Christmas in Ohio with my mother's side of the family. Lots of cousins, my aunts and uncles, my grandparents, and my mom, dad, and brother. It's probably been a good six, seven years since I have been able to do that. Back then, I had always felt a little like the black sheep--everyone else seemed to be doing all these wonderful things with their lives, and there I was, with not much to say. Now I wish for those times back more than ever. I love my husband and his family, don't get me wrong, and I enjoy all the Christmases I have shared with them these recent years. But it reminds you of how fleeting time is, and if you miss something or someone, there's not much time before you can't get it back...

So, happy holidays everyone. And they may be cliches, but...

Time is precious. Life is beautiful. Stay safe, stay happy.