Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Updated Book Trailer for "Scholar and Sphinx"

The book trailer for "The Scholar, the Sphinx and the Shades of Nyx" has just been updated with new music, as the original trailer's soundtrack contained music not in the public domain (but was still an awesome trailer nonetheless). This revised trailer is visually the same, but features music from the opera "La Vida Breve" written in 1904 (so, being well over a hundred years old, I believe that would put this in the public domain).


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Dahlonega Literary Festival to Host Regional Authors Panel, March 8th

For those in the northeast Georgia area, mark your calendars for March 8-9, 2014.

The Dahlonega Literary Festival will be hosting panels from both national and regional authors for a weekend of celebrating the love of books. Authors like Terry Kay, Joshilyn Jackson, and Cassandra King will be there, and a special panel of regional authors will be held on Saturday, March 8th at 11:15 a.m.

That panel will include a certain author who writes about a 19th century young scholar and an ancient living sphinx...

It's sure to be a weekend any book-lover would enjoy! Hope to see you there!

To find out more about the festival, visit: