Monday, March 31, 2014

Thank you to Moore Middle School!

Just finished an excitng author visit to Moore Middle School in Lawrenceville, Ga. All the students were great! They came prepared with wonderful questions, seemed engaged in the presentation--although I admit, four presentations in a row (so overall got to speak to about 200 some students) is exhausting!
Thank you to Giselle Escobar and Charles Cook for helping me to arrange the visit. You all were so kind and I loved talking to everyone.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Thank You to those who organized the Dahlonega Literary Festival!

On March 8, I had the pleasure of participating in my first Dahlonega Literary Festival, and I want to thank Ken Smoke, Carol Malcolm, and all the others who helped organize the festival.
I also met a lot of truly passionate regional authors. My vendors table was next to that of Sue Cass, who writes inspirational books and she was very nice. Across from me was Fiona Page, who wrote a children's book about butterflies as well as a memoir called "My Nightlife is 24/7" (she unfortunately endured a horrible incident at age 44 that rendered her blind). I swapped books with her, since she said she wanted her grandchildren to read my book to her and I'm genuinely intrigued to learn more about her experiences.

It was impressive to see all the diverse literary talent in the regional authors room, and I enjoyed participating on the panel of eight authors who discussed their publishing experiences (I was by far the ditziest person on the panel, ask David). Everyone has had such unique experiences on their writing journeys, I hope the audience found it infromative.

Finally, thank you to everyone who bought my book! I hope you enjoy it and will look forward to the sequel due for release in September this year.

Next for "The Scholar, the Sphinx and the Shades of Nyx," a visit to Moore Middle School in Gwinett County on March 31. I can't wait!