Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Goodreads Giveaway Going on Now!

Right now until May 30, you can enter to win one of four free copies of "The Scholar, the Sphinx, and the Shades of Nyx" on Goodreads! How can you pass up a freebie?

Just go to this link to enter!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Georgia Author of the Year Nominee!

"The Scholar, the Sphinx, and the Shades of Nyx" is a nominee in the Young Adult category for the Georgia Author of the Year Award! The 50th Annual GAYA will be on June 7, with a banquet at 6 p.m. and the awards ceremony at 7:30 p.m. in Kennesaw, Ga. Maybe I'll finally get a chance to meet fellow Knox Robinson Publishing author Victoria Wilcox, who is also nominated...

Check out the full list of nominees here:

Friday, April 18, 2014

Thank you to Wood's Mill High School

Thank you to the students of Wood's Mill High School for being so welcoming and attentive during my author visit today. I think it's great you all do something special every Friday--whether it's have a visiting guest speak to you, or you go on a field trip--and I hope you have a great rest of the school year.
Also thank you to Ms. Christie Conti and Mrs. Patricia Cook for helping me to arrange the visit. Love you, Pat!
Wish I had photos, unfortunately the room was too dark (for the sake of my presentation being viewable on the projection screen) for any pictures to turn out clearly. Still, the memories will always be there.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

This was nice of them...

Take a peak at one of the recent Brenau University updates (the daily e-mails the college sends out to faculty, staff, students, and the local community):

Which reminds me, my next visit is to Wood's Mill High School on April 18th. Busy but exciting times!