Tuesday, September 8, 2015

And Now Something for the MST3K Fans..."Lil' Mads"!

So last Friday I was at DragonCon and had a great time (photos and videos coming soon!) but I got so wiped from it, that was the only day I went as I needed the next day to recover. My hubby David went back to DragonCon on Saturday for work to record some video, and he visit the two guys I met last year and totally adore, Trace Beaulieu and Frank Conniff of "Mystery Science Theater 3000" fame.

Because my hubby knows how much I like them, he snagged me not only an autographed pic of the both of them, but also a signed copy of Trace's "Silly Rhymes for Belligerent Children" book. It is very reminiscent of Shel Silverstein and some of the more twisted kid's poetry I grew up with.
But then it got me thinking...and got the cartoonist side of me going. Kids and mad science go together so well, how was there never a spin-off cartoon of the Mads as kids? How hilarious would it have been to see Dr. Forrester and Frank trying to attain global domination as eight year olds? (Think "Dexter's Lab" meets "Pinky and the Brain")

So for anyone who would have loved for this concept to be a reality, here you go!! (And yes, I realized it should be spelled "Oh Poopie" for the title but I take some creative liberties, you know)