Friday, December 11, 2015

Happy Holidays from The Scholar and the Sphinx!

Whether you'll be traveling on the road or by air, or just staying at home to spend time with your loved ones, I hope you have a safe and joyful holiday season. Plus, the wintry weather is the best time to curl up with a good book!

And more importantly, to gift good books! Want to give the avid reader in your life something special? How about not just a new book, but a signed book from the author? I am more than happy to send folks signed books at their request, or a signed book plate (a sticker you can paste inside the book cover). Feel free to send me an e-mail at if you have a book you'd like me to sign!
Stay tuned, as the official release date for Book Three, "The Scholar, the Sphinx and the Threads of Fate" should be announced soon!

I'd love to see you at one of my upcoming author events after the new year. I'm hoping to be at Con Nooga in Chattahoochee, TN, from Feb. 19-21, but nothing has been confirmed yet. But I will be at the following events:

Dahlonega Literary Festival
March 12-13, 2016
Dahlonega, GA

For more information visit

JordanCon 2016

April 22-24
Atlanta Marriott at the Perimeter Center
Atlanta, GA

For more information and the panel schedule, visit

You may always visit my author website to see the most updated news and events about the series, or follow me on Facebook or Twitter if you want to chat! 

And remember...the best way you can show authors that you love their work and appreciate the time and dedication they put into writing it is to leave a review! It can be on Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes and Noble, Books a Million, or even on your own blog or favorite social media site! It only takes a few minutes to share a couple sentences, and it's the greatest gift you could give an author.

Have a very harmonious holiday full of love, family, friends, and happiness that will last through the new year!

Seasons Greetings!