Monday, January 9, 2017

Chattacon 42 Next Week in Chattanooga!

Who's going to #Chattacon Jan. 20-22 in Chattanooga, TN? I'll be a panelist and have an author table there, so I hope to see you! 

Chattacon is an annual speculative fiction convention held at the Chattanooga Choo Choo Hotel. If you plan to attend, love fantasy and science fiction, or just love books, let me know in the comments! Show your love for Chattacon! 

If you want to join in on some fun panels, here is my lineup:


5:00 p.m. - Writer’s Workshop- What Gives Characters Depth?
Part one of a two-part workshop about writing well-rounded characters.


11:00 a.m. - Special Interest- Is “Moana” Disney’s Lord of the Rings?
Disney’s latest animated film is unique in its choice of a Polynesian setting and mythology, but some of its aspects seem Tolkien-esque. This panel compares Moana with LoR, and other kid’s flicks similar to Tolkien and other fantasy epics.

2:00 p.m. - Author Meet and Greet in the Dealer Room Lobby

3:00 p.m. - Special Interest- Young Adult Fiction
Writing for the young adult audience can be both challenging and lucrative. What qualifies as YA fiction and how has the popularity of YA changed the expectations?

5:00 p.m. - No Camelots, Shires or Hogwarts Here!
A look at non-European myths in films and literature.


1:00 p.m. - Special Interest Panel- The Power of Storytelling
A frank discussion on storytelling and its importance, power and necessity to humanity.

5:00 p.m. - Writer’s Workshop- What Gives Characters Depth?
Part two of a two-part workshop about writing well-rounded characters.

Go to for more!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Available Now! "Shadows of the Oak" Dark Fairy Tales

It's a bright, shining new what will you be reading?

How about a brand new collection of dark fairy tales about anti-heroes?

Tenebris Books' "Shadows of the Oak" is now available, on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and anywhere fine books are sold!

If you like dark and macabre, magic and mayhem, and tales that don't always have happy endings (but sometimes, endings that are exactly what some less-than-heroic types deserve) then you will love "Shadows of the Oak"!

Go to to get your copy today! (and when you do, be sure to leave a review. We authors like that 😊 )