Monday, June 19, 2017's Book Review of "Shades of Nyx"

Today, I came across what might be the most flattering book review of "Shades of Nyx" I have seen yet.

David Brashier writes book and movie reviews for his site,, and he posted a lovely review that shows that he, like me, can enjoy fiction for just being fiction and all the zaniness that comes with it:

"Scholar and Sphinx (as I will refer to it throughout the review), is one of the most enjoyable experiences I’ve had with a fantasy novel, period. It’s a story which throws reality out the door and fully embraces the fact that fiction can do whatever it wants."

Read the full review here.

He's also reviewed many sci-fi, superhero and fantasy films and novels, so there's a lot to check out on his website. Head on over and visit!