Friday, December 7, 2018

Happy Holidays, and Introducing Tricky Penny Films!

Happy Holidays!

First, I am happy to announce something amazing coming in 2019:

Bliss poster.jpg

My husband David J. Cook and I are starting up a film company, and our short film "Bliss" will be hitting the film festival circuit next year!

Bliss tells the story of teenager Akiko, who is mysteriously sent 30 years into the future. She must adjust to this new world where the real and artificial must rely on each other, but her B.L.I.S.S. artificial friend can't seem to help Akiko in the way she needs. What can either of them do to be happy?

Keep an eye on all of our upcoming projects at: Tricky Penny Films
Now available on Amazon in paperback and eBook:


Readers' Favorite gave a glowing review for "Legend of the Lightscale"!

"As a fan of traditional RPG like Dungeons and Dragons, I loved this world so much that I wanted to step right in and have an adventure in it. Desert Rain is a powerful female hero who has flaws but who also has great strength and leadership skills, a really good example of how to write a strong female in epic fantasy these days. I particularly loved all the artefacts and lore that are woven into the story, and found author A.R. Cook’s world building simply spectacular. Fans of Tolkien and his peers will not be disappointed to discover this sharply updated epic fantasy for the modern age, with its crisp dialogue, lavish settings and water-tight conceptual elements."
- K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite, 5-Star Review

Stay tuned to my Facebook and Twitter for updates and future author events where you can get your hands on these and other fun reads!

Thank you all for your continued support!
I wish you good fortune and happiness in the upcoming year, and may your holiday season truly be bright and wonderful. May you share this time with loved ones, friends, and maybe even a few new faces. 

And don't forget to leave an author a book review or two...that would be their favorite holiday gift!

Monday, September 10, 2018

Upcoming Atlanta Literary Conventions!

Autumn is coming, and so are these great Georgia literary events! I would love to see you at any of these festivals/conventions, so be sure to mark your calendar!

Brenau LitFest 2018

Sept. 22, 2018, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Brenau Downtown Center
301 Main St. SW, Gainesville, GA 30501
Brenau University presents its second annual literary festival, featuring local authors and artists, booksellers, and presentations about writing and literature. A celebration of all things literary and the fine arts.

For more information, visit


Oct 5-7, 2018
Atlanta Marriott Alpharetta
5750 Windward Pkwy, Alpharetta, GA 30005

Monsterama has been Atlanta’s best classic horror, SF and monster con since 2014, and this year’s show promises to be our biggest and best yet! Join us in our fabulous new location for more screenings, panels, contests, exhibits, events and happenings than ever before!

For more information, visit

CONjuration 2018

Nov. 15-18, 2018
Hilton Atlanta Airport
1031 Virginia Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia 30345
CONjuration is an annual fantasy convention celebrating all things Harry Potter, as well as Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Narnia, Buffy & others. The event offers displays of magic, panels from academia professionals, musical entertainment, crafts, cosplay opportunities, Quidditch, trivia/knowledge testing, and even more interactive experiences.

For more information, visit

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Book Giveaway to Celebrate the Release of "The Legend of the Lightscale"!

Now available on Amazon in paperback and eBook:

The Hero is dead. The Council is captured. All hope is shattered.

But Desert Rain and her companions press on.

With Katawa in control of the Hijn Council and transforming innocent people into his twisted army of Distorted, Desert Rain turns to the Ahshi Elves in hope of some magical assistance. However, all is not safe in the forestlands...goblin bounty hunters, a mysterious drifter, and a devious Trickster are making things complicated. The ill fate of the Swordmaster hangs heavy on Desert Rain's heart, but when the lost sword Silverheart finds its way into her hands, she discovers there may be more to the fallen hero than she realized...and maybe more to herself than she ever thought possible.

To celebrate its release, I'm doing a giveaway for Secrets of the Moonstone Heir, Book One of the Scale Seekers!

How do you get a free copy? JUST ASK! 

You may email me at, or contact me through my website at, and just ask me if you want an eBook or a paperback, and I'll gift it to you. It's that simple!

(Of course, authors always appreciate a review...)


Both books are available now, and stay tuned to my Facebook and Twitter for updates and future author events where you can get your hands on these and other fun reads!

Where else can you find these books and meet me in person? I'd love to see you at:

CONjuration 2018

Nov. 15-18, 2018
Hilton Atlanta Airport
1031 Virginia Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia 30345​
CONjuration is an annual fantasy convention celebrating all things Harry Potter, as well as Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Narnia, Buffy & others. The event offers displays of magic, panels from academia professionals, musical entertainment, crafts, cosplay opportunities, Quidditch, trivia/knowledge testing, and even more interactive experiences.
For more information, visit

Thursday, July 5, 2018

MythCon July 20-23 in Atlanta!

Come on out to Mythcon July 20-23 at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Atlanta! I'll be there speaking on a panel and selling books. Would love to see you there!
Panel time TBD...stay tuned for more information!

Meanwhile, you can visit to learn more.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Come out to WHOlanta May 4-6!

I'll be at WHOlanta, Atlanta's Dr. Who and all things fun convention, this weekend, May 4-6, at the Hilton Atlanta Airport! If you'll be there, come visit me in the vendor room and chat with me on some fun panels:
Saturday, May 5
10 a.m.: Libraries and Librarians in Fantasy
11 a.m.: Alien But Not too Alien
2 p.m.: Has the YA Bubble Burst?
4 p.m.: Judging a Book by its Cover
Sunday, May 6
12 p.m.: Worldbuilding 101
See the full weekend schedule and all the amazing guests at

Friday, March 23, 2018

Totally stunned..."Psycho Babbles" is an Official Top Five Finalist!

I honestly didn't expect it. After many, many months of doubt this past year and at the start of this thinking that "maybe my writing is just a one seems to care at all..."

Screencraft just announced that "Psycho Babbles" is a Top Five finalist in the 2017 Cinematic Short Story Contest!

As announced on Screencraft's website:

Syringe-Fed Ferrets by Samuel Martin has been selected as the Grand Prize Winner of the 2017 ScreenCraft Short Story Contest.
Missives From The Green Campaign by David Armstrong has been named the runner-up.
Both Martin and Armstrong will have their stories published for a limited time on ScreenCraft and submitted to our network of literary magazines, agents, managers, publishers and studio executives, as will the following three finalists linked below:
  • Jack Mulcahy, ‘Ware The Power
  • Alison Reeger Cook, Psycho Babbles
  • Jordan Hill, Marching Toward Golgotha
All the winning stories should be posted soon, so stay tuned to Screencraft (and check out all the cool articles about screenwriting and working in the entertainment industry. Very important stuff).

Thursday, January 25, 2018

"Psycho Babbles" is a Quarter-Finalist in the Cinematic Short Story Competition!

A few years ago, my short story "Psycho Babbles" was a runner-up in the Writer's Digest Sci-fi story contest. I had planned to do more with it, but it has remained dormant, until now...

Announced today, it is an:


Check out all the quarter-finalists here, and good luck to everyone on the next round!