Friday, March 23, 2018

Totally stunned..."Psycho Babbles" is an Official Top Five Finalist!

I honestly didn't expect it. After many, many months of doubt this past year and at the start of this thinking that "maybe my writing is just a one seems to care at all..."

Screencraft just announced that "Psycho Babbles" is a Top Five finalist in the 2017 Cinematic Short Story Contest!

As announced on Screencraft's website:

Syringe-Fed Ferrets by Samuel Martin has been selected as the Grand Prize Winner of the 2017 ScreenCraft Short Story Contest.
Missives From The Green Campaign by David Armstrong has been named the runner-up.
Both Martin and Armstrong will have their stories published for a limited time on ScreenCraft and submitted to our network of literary magazines, agents, managers, publishers and studio executives, as will the following three finalists linked below:
  • Jack Mulcahy, ‘Ware The Power
  • Alison Reeger Cook, Psycho Babbles
  • Jordan Hill, Marching Toward Golgotha
All the winning stories should be posted soon, so stay tuned to Screencraft (and check out all the cool articles about screenwriting and working in the entertainment industry. Very important stuff).