Saturday, September 27, 2014

Pictures from Dragon Con 2014's YA Literature Panel

Finally got around to uploading the pictures taken during the "Kissing Optional: Does YA Need Romance?" literature panel at Dragon Con 2014. Panelists were authors Delilah S. Dawson (not shown here, she hadn't arrived yet), Shaun Hutchinson (first chair), and DragonCon moderators Lil Watson (second chair) and Alexa Donne (last chair).

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thank You Dr. Brim and her Poetry Class at Brenau University

I just got back from speaking to Dr. Sandy Brim's poetry class at Brenau University. I believe it went well, but for some reason (even though I have done presentations for a while now!!) my body is still freaking out even though my brain is fine. In short, I keep unconsciously holding my breath while I'm talking so I run out of air, even though I am not speaking quickly.

(and I realize I'm doing this when the students start looking at me like I'm a dork. More so than when I first started talking.)

But it was fun, I actually talked more about the Georgia Museum of Art's "Kress Project" since the students will eventually do an assignment to write something based on a pre-existing piece of art. I hope it helped them understand how they could go about it.

Thank you to Dr. Sandra Brim for allowing me to speak to the students. They are a lovely group of students and you are wonderful.

Go Brenau U! (I believe I am obligated to say this as a staff member, but I mean it too).

Monday, September 22, 2014

"Fang of Fenrir" Now Available for Pre-Order at Amazon!

Already planning your holiday shopping? Then you'll want to pre-ordered the second book in "The Scholar and the Sphinx" series, to be released December 16, 2014! If you order it ahead, you can get it just in time for the perfect gift for your young adult fantasy-loving reader!

"The Scholar, the Sphinx, and the Fang of Fenrir" can now be pre-ordered at Amazon. Just follow the link and pre-order your copy today!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Trailer Time! Watch the new trailer here!

David J. Cook has created a brand new CGI trailer for "Fang of Fenrir," and boy, is it stunning! Click the link and watch it, and be sure to get our copy of the book when it is released in December!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Sneak Peek at Upcoming Book Trailer for "Fang of Fenrir"

With the second book in "The Scholar and the Sphinx" series coming out in December, my husband has been hard at work at creating the CGI-animated book trailer for its release. To tide you over, here is a screenshot of the's going to be an awesome sight to see!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Price of Art Part Two: Value Has More than One Meaning

A few days ago I received a response to my July post about “The Price of Art,” which I welcome because that’s the point of some of my rants—to get folks discussing (when I’m not just ranting for the sake of ranting). The commenter (to whom I say thank you for reading the post and responding) summed up well why art is a hard sell nowadays: regardless of the time, effort, or love an artist puts into a creation, it’s ultimately up to the consumer to judge the work’s value as art is subjective. To quote, “the buyer should not be asked to subsidize the art just ‘because.’”
Art is not exactly a necessity, in comparison to food, the bills, or medical expenses—and even when it comes to necessities, people will always look for the least expensive route even if there are more “higher quality” options. So I understand this view; we no longer live in an age where painters, musicians and sculptors can hope to win the favor of an aristocratic benefactor to help pay for their artistic pursuits (although, I suppose there are a rare few who do, if you can get a record label or a movie studio to notice you).
And I suppose, no matter how you slice it, it’s not as if we’re ever going to have a shortage of art. It does last a long, long time, after all.
What I ask for, ultimately, is empathic understanding. Art is how artists—writers, musicians, actors, filmmakers, dancers, poets, painters—define ourselves. It is an embodiment of our self-worth, what we consider gives us our purpose and value. And yes, the consumer may not know the artist personally, and doesn't care about the artist’s self-worth, only his/her own.
But if you agree my work is fantastic, agree my price is fair, but then tell me, “but I’m only going to pay you half of that,” or “never mind, this other person is cheaper despite his/her work not being as good,” you have essentially said I’m worthless. Not my art, me. Because the art is the extension of the artist. We are one in the same.
Again, the consumer does not know me. There’s no reason for the consumer to care. Not until the same thing is done to the consumer in their own passionate pursuits—and still, probably won’t remember the time they brushed me off.
So no, no one can be forced or be expected to value art the way the artist does.  And I won’t lie, there are some artists who may put a higher price tag on their art than might be feasible or logical.
But most of the time, people are worth what they do. You are all worth what you do, whatever your work may be. Before you write art off, before you scoff at “all those zeros” on the end of a price tag, think of the value of what you do. As much as you believe your work should be recognized and appreciated, so do we all. Maybe if you take time to get to know the artist and study their work, then you might see why those zeros may be justified.

Think of how your life has been impacted by art—because, even if you’re not the artsy type, I guarantee some facet of your life was influenced by it, especially pop culture. And be kind to artists. Treat them and their art with respect. Even if you don’t support a particular artist, support people’s art even if it is just through word of mouth or social media. Then maybe, you will see the value.
Thank you for reading.