Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thank You Dr. Brim and her Poetry Class at Brenau University

I just got back from speaking to Dr. Sandy Brim's poetry class at Brenau University. I believe it went well, but for some reason (even though I have done presentations for a while now!!) my body is still freaking out even though my brain is fine. In short, I keep unconsciously holding my breath while I'm talking so I run out of air, even though I am not speaking quickly.

(and I realize I'm doing this when the students start looking at me like I'm a dork. More so than when I first started talking.)

But it was fun, I actually talked more about the Georgia Museum of Art's "Kress Project" since the students will eventually do an assignment to write something based on a pre-existing piece of art. I hope it helped them understand how they could go about it.

Thank you to Dr. Sandra Brim for allowing me to speak to the students. They are a lovely group of students and you are wonderful.

Go Brenau U! (I believe I am obligated to say this as a staff member, but I mean it too).

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