Friday, July 31, 2015

Blog Interview with Fantasy Author Nan Monroe

This week on author Nan Monroe's blog, she interviewed me about "The Scholar and the Sphinx" series as well as YA literature in general. Nan has written scripts for the Atlanta Radio Company and has released her first YA fantasy novel, "Atterwald."

Check out her website and her writing! I've met her at a couple of recent conventions and she is an enthusiastic, book-loving, charming woman, with a deep love for strong female protagonists in fantasy novels.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

ESO Network Puts A.R. Cook in the Geek Seat!!

"Just when you thought it was safe to listen to a podcast!"

Mike and Mike of ESO Network interviewed me at TimeGate last month, and put me through "a fate worse than a shark cage": the Geek Seat! So here's your chance to listen to me be a total dork...

Plus there's lots more, like Mike and Mike discussing the 40th anniversary of "Jaws" with award-winning author Bobby Nash, Kevin Eldridge promotes CONvergence in the Khan Report, and some ranting and raving about pop culture figures that are now no longer with us. Also, Linnell Burton stops by to update us on Blue Print Camp. 

Take a listen!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Today on "A Center Stage Moment"...

Today on The Word Smithe blog, Shantella Benson posted a lovely interview that she did with me about "The Scholar and the Sphinx" series as well as writing in general. She has a really fun website full of book reviews and author interviews, so be sure to visit her and follow her!

Read the full interview at The Word Smithe:

Here's a short sneak peak of the interview:

SB: I love reading the bios of authors. Many of them had various interests. Sometimes people stumble upon the craft. Have you always wanted to be a writer? 
ARC: When I was a kid, I was into so many things. I took ballet, played softball, sketched and painted, acted in school plays, played piano, took voice lessons, you name it. Because my parents were theater actors, up until college I thought I would go into acting, but writing was always a part of my life since first grade. I wrote well over 50 short stories during that year (of course, a short story for a first grader is about one paragraph or one page). When I got to college, my focus turned to playwriting, and since the University of Iowa has such a great creative writing program, I took those classes too. While the acting bug eventually dissipated, the writing passion has endured all this time.
SB: Is writing a full-time or part-time career? If part-time, what’s your other job? 
ARC: Right now, it is part time. My day job is working for Brenau University in their publications office. I help write press releases, newsletter postings, university magazine articles, and event information. Technically, I am writing all the time, whether at work or at home.
SB: Why did you choose to write Fantasy? 
ARC: I love fantasy, and it probably started with my parents reading fairy tales to me at bedtime when I was little. Then I got into the Dragonlance series by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. I read some Lloyd Alexander, and some Dragons of Pern by Anne McCaffrey. I read mostly fantasy. Naturally, I enjoyed writing it the most. Even my historical fiction or mystery stories all have fantasy elements to them.