Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Today on "A Center Stage Moment"...

Today on The Word Smithe blog, Shantella Benson posted a lovely interview that she did with me about "The Scholar and the Sphinx" series as well as writing in general. She has a really fun website full of book reviews and author interviews, so be sure to visit her and follow her!

Read the full interview at The Word Smithe:

Here's a short sneak peak of the interview:

SB: I love reading the bios of authors. Many of them had various interests. Sometimes people stumble upon the craft. Have you always wanted to be a writer? 
ARC: When I was a kid, I was into so many things. I took ballet, played softball, sketched and painted, acted in school plays, played piano, took voice lessons, you name it. Because my parents were theater actors, up until college I thought I would go into acting, but writing was always a part of my life since first grade. I wrote well over 50 short stories during that year (of course, a short story for a first grader is about one paragraph or one page). When I got to college, my focus turned to playwriting, and since the University of Iowa has such a great creative writing program, I took those classes too. While the acting bug eventually dissipated, the writing passion has endured all this time.
SB: Is writing a full-time or part-time career? If part-time, what’s your other job? 
ARC: Right now, it is part time. My day job is working for Brenau University in their publications office. I help write press releases, newsletter postings, university magazine articles, and event information. Technically, I am writing all the time, whether at work or at home.
SB: Why did you choose to write Fantasy? 
ARC: I love fantasy, and it probably started with my parents reading fairy tales to me at bedtime when I was little. Then I got into the Dragonlance series by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. I read some Lloyd Alexander, and some Dragons of Pern by Anne McCaffrey. I read mostly fantasy. Naturally, I enjoyed writing it the most. Even my historical fiction or mystery stories all have fantasy elements to them.

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